A storm cloud over Byron Bay
These images were created in April 2020 using a slow shutter speed on the camera. I hope you enjoy them!
Prospecting for gold in the ocean - A small collection of photographs from time in the ocean.
On April 4 2019, Byron’s first ocean and conservation summit was held in the community centre in Byron Bay. It was presented by the Seabin Foundation and co-hosted by Patagonia. There were 16 key speakers from a variety of companies and organisations presenting solutions based conservation efforts. The proceeds of the night were donated to the Seabin Foundation.
I am both humbled and stoked to have my image ‘Liquid Silk’ as the Seabin Foundation logo after donating it to the foundation.
Pete Ceglinski from Seabin Project hosting the sold out event.
Kael Hudson, director of partnerships from National Geographic presenting at the summit.
Dave Rastovich presenting on behalf of the Summit co-host Patagonia.
Xavier Rudd performing.
Ben is running on water from Byron Bay to Cairns, to raise money for Seabins to be installed in every marina to help aid cleaner oceans!!! You can follow his progress here runferrisrunn
You can also donate to the go fund me page here. gofundme
Dan Henry, (Director of marketing at hewlett packard) Xavier Rudd, Pete Ceglinski (Seabin Project)
Mahi Paquette, COO of Seabin Foundation presenting at the summit.
Some prizes from the sponsors.
When an afternoon storm aligns with sunset.
December storms in 2018!
The following 13 images were taken over 2 consecutive days before, during and after beautiful summer storms in late December 2018. (click on an image to view larger size)
Please leave a comment below if you’re feeling these!
Thank you for viewing,
Elliot .
The legendary crew at The Crafty Cow in Casuarina, New South Wales, are raffling off this print titled 'Liquid Silk'
All money raised will go towards the The Seabin Project Foundation and its not for profit educational, science and research programs to aid cleaner oceans.
The lucky winner will be drawn on 22 December 2018
Good Luck!
I was stoked to have the opportunity to document the first Seabin in Australia.
Last Friday, June 8 2018, was World Ocean's Day and Australia's first Seabin demonstration took place at the Australian National Maritime Museum in Sydney.
A Seabin is a floating rubbish bin that is located in the water at marinas, docks, yacht clubs and commercial ports. The Seabin moves up and down with the range of tide collecting all floating rubbish.
Seabin removing plastic and debris from the ocean. Photo by Elliot Kirkwood Photography
After installing the Seabin and leaving it operating overnight, I was shocked to return the next morning and discover it had collected more than 10kg of debris and plastic from Darling Harbour!
Micro plastics are hard to see until a closer inspection of the debris revealed large amounts of micro plastic mixed in with the organic matter. Photo by Elliot Kirkwood Photography
It won't solve the problem of plastics in our oceans, but it's a good start and it does spark a conversation about the issue of single use plastics.
The Seabin Project's co-founding director Pete Ceglinski. Photo by Elliot Kirkwood Photography
It will be great to see it written into legislation for marinas and ports around the world, to have Seabin operating and removing ocean plastics 24/7.
A disposable coffee cup moves towards the Seabin. Photo by Elliot Kirkwood Photography
This is a short video, documenting Australia's first Seabin!
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